Friday 5 February 2010

New phone, new skill

Hooray! I finally got a new phone. So now I can send photos to my blog as I take them.
Here is the new herringbone hand-stitch I learned last night at the Curtain n cushion course. It's v handy for hemming trousers and skirts as well as curtains, which is why we learned it. Strong but virtually invisible on the right side. On the food front, last night we had Annabel Karmel's beef in oyster sauce. The reason I'm writing this is because Roo ate it- well some beef anyway. Of course, he did need to be persuaded. But once he tried it, he realised the meat was lovely and tender. And he had some noodles too. The introduction of chopsticks went down well. Hooray again!

1 comment:

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I can't work out my new cell phone. I keep pressing the same key and take photos of my ear!

God bless.