Monday 14 June 2010

Wouldn't it be great if it was like this all the time?

Lee is off this week! Apart from the obvious loveliness of having him around all day, it is great to have an extra pair of hands and eyes to help me in my big-tummied state!
Here is a polar bear that I tried unsuccessfully to remove tomato sauce from. Washing up liquid didn't work and nor did baking soda, but it did make him feel at home for a while, peeping out from a snow-like dusting of white powder.

1 comment:

Idle Rambler said...

Hi,off topic but I just popped in to see who my new 'follower' is. Lovely to meet you :0)

Lovely photos, especially the gardens. I love gardens! Happy days at home with the young 'uns. I remember it well (in the dim-distant past!) Ours are now in their late twenties - oh, where do the years go? !